
Whiplash Treatment from Your Arlington Heights Chiropractor

An auto accident can do a great deal of damage to the human body almost instantly. Whiplash is one of the injuries most closely -- and perhaps infamously -- associated with this kind of traumatic event. The violent motion of your neck and head forced by the impact may leave you with a variety of painful, debilitating symptoms. Fortunately, you can get safe, natural, non-surgical whiplash treatment from your Arlington Heights chiropractor at Arlington Chiropractic Clinic, PC.


Neck Pain, Headaches & Other Whiplash Symptoms

Even an object traveling at low speed can transfer tremendous amounts of force if it's massive enough, which is certainly the case with an automobile. Your car's momentum may come to a sudden halt, but your body will keep on moving, often in ways it was never meant to move. Even at just 8 miles per hour, your car may decelerate at twice the force of gravity -- while your head may decelerate at 5 times the force of gravity. The head flies backward (hyperextension) and then forward (hyperflexion) like the cracking of a whip, stretching or tearing the neck's muscles and connective tissues. At the same time, your cervical vertebrae may be forced out of alignment, with bulging or herniated discs pushing against nerve roots or the spinal cord.

The range of damage caused by whiplash produces an even greater variety of symptoms. You may find yourself experiencing:

  • Neck pain

  • Limited neck mobility

  • Headache and migraine attacks

  • Vision changes

  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

  • Pain, numbness or weakness in the arms and hands (cervical radiculopathy)

  • Jaw or facial pain

  • Dizzy spells

  • Mood changes, cognitive issues and memory problems

Natural Whiplash Relief for Arlington Heights, Palatine and Kildeer

If you're suffering from whiplash symptoms in Arlington Heights, Palatine or Kildeer, rest assured that help is at hand here at Arlington Chiropractic Clinic, PC. Your chiropractor will take the time to discuss your symptoms and medical history with you, examining your spinal column carefully to determine the exact extent and diversity of your cervical injuries. This helps us create a personalized treatment plan including the perfect mix of drug-free therapeutic techniques. Your condition may require:

  • Chiropractic adjustments to restore normal vertebral and disc position, relieving neck stiffness and neurological symptoms

  • Corrective exercises to strengthen damaged neck muscles and encourage the restoration of pain-free mobility

We have no hesitation about calling in other trusted specialists and working with your family doctor as needed. Our only goal is to help you overcome your whiplash and regain your quality of life.

Schedule Whiplash Treatment With us in Arlington!

Let us help you whip your whiplash symptoms, starting today. Call us today to schedule whiplash treatment at Arlington Chiropractic Clinic, PC!

Office Hours


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 12:30 pm





Spine model


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