Common Questions About "Text Neck"

"Text Neck"

Text neck is a real condition, and it poses real health risks to people of all ages. Although we have just recently started hearing about this condition, it has been around for a long time.

Q: What is Text Neck?

A: Text neck is a condition that is caused by staring down at your phone or tablet too long. Sitting hunched over for long periods of time can cause this condition. Before the invention of Smartphones and tablets, this was a common condition in people who read while sitting up, for dressmakers, and people standing on an assembly line all day.

Q: What Are the Symptoms Of Text Neck?

A: There are many symptoms of text neck. The severity of your symptoms would depend on the severity of your condition and any underlying problems you may also be having. The symptoms include:

  • Neck pain and soreness
  • Upper back pain that can be nagging or sharp
  • Spasms in the upper back muscles
  • Radiating pain down your arms
  • Headaches
  • Early onset of arthritis in the neck

Q: How Can You Prevent Text Neck?

A: There are a few things that you can do to prevent text neck or to keep your current condition from getting worse.

  • Stretch: To prevent text neck, you should stretch a few times a day. Rolling your head and moving your neck side to side will stretch your neck muscles and keep your joints moving. Also, look over your left shoulder and then your right shoulder. Finally, roll your shoulders. These stretches can prevent tightening and spasms in the muscles.
  • Hold your phone higher: Holding your phone close to eye level will keep you from looking down, which will reduce the strain on the muscles and tissues.
  • Take breaks: When using your phone or tablet, you should take frequent breaks to avoid staying in one position for too long.

Q: How Is Text Neck Treated?

A: If you are suffering from the symptoms of text neck, chiropractic care may be your best option. With a series of chiropractic treatments, including adjustments, massage therapy and postural exercises, your pain will lessen and the tension on your spine will ease. Our chiropractors can also teach you some stretches to do at home, and advise you on how to prevent the condition from returning.

Call Arlington Chiropractic Clinic, P.C. Today!

If you are suffering from the symptoms of text neck, or are unsure if you have text neck, schedule an evaluation with Arlington Chiropractic Clinic, P.C. Call our office at  (847) 259-4493. Our friendly team members can answer your questions about text neck or about the many other conditions that we treat. Start feeling some relief today!

"Text Neck"

Text neck is a real condition, and it poses real health risks to people of all ages. Although we have just recently started hearing about this condition, it has been around for a long time.

Q: What is Text Neck?

A: Text neck is a condition that is caused by staring down at your phone or tablet too long. Sitting hunched over for long periods of time can cause this condition. Before the invention of Smartphones and tablets, this was a common condition in people who read while sitting up, for dressmakers, and people standing on an assembly line all day.

Q: What Are the Symptoms Of Text Neck?

A: There are many symptoms of text neck. The severity of your symptoms would depend on the severity of your condition and any underlying problems you may also be having. The symptoms include:

  • Neck pain and soreness
  • Upper back pain that can be nagging or sharp
  • Spasms in the upper back muscles
  • Radiating pain down your arms
  • Headaches
  • Early onset of arthritis in the neck

Q: How Can You Prevent Text Neck?

A: There are a few things that you can do to prevent text neck or to keep your current condition from getting worse.

  • Stretch: To prevent text neck, you should stretch a few times a day. Rolling your head and moving your neck side to side will stretch your neck muscles and keep your joints moving. Also, look over your left shoulder and then your right shoulder. Finally, roll your shoulders. These stretches can prevent tightening and spasms in the muscles.
  • Hold your phone higher: Holding your phone close to eye level will keep you from looking down, which will reduce the strain on the muscles and tissues.
  • Take breaks: When using your phone or tablet, you should take frequent breaks to avoid staying in one position for too long.

Q: How Is Text Neck Treated?

A: If you are suffering from the symptoms of text neck, chiropractic care may be your best option. With a series of chiropractic treatments, including adjustments, massage therapy and postural exercises, your pain will lessen and the tension on your spine will ease. Our chiropractors can also teach you some stretches to do at home, and advise you on how to prevent the condition from returning.

Call Arlington Chiropractic Clinic, P.C. Today!

If you are suffering from the symptoms of text neck, or are unsure if you have text neck, schedule an evaluation with Arlington Chiropractic Clinic, P.C. Call our office at  (847) 259-4493. Our friendly team members can answer your questions about text neck or about the many other conditions that we treat. Start feeling some relief today!

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